Monday 16 July 2012

Golden Week 2012 - Meiji Mura Half Day Trip 明治村半日遊

5th May 2012

Reached Inuyama Station and found out there were no empty lockers. So, had to lug our bags until Meiji Village 明治村. Luckily, there were lockers there. The admission ticket was very expensive, 1600 yen for adult. Plus, if one wants to take the bus inside the village, another 500 yen is needed. So, me and my friend said to ourselves, no matter what, we would finish toured all the attractions before Meiji Mura close. Luckily, on that day, it closed on 6pm instead of the usual 5pm.
on the train to Inuyama, Meiji Mura gate and the retro bus
As the name suggests, Meiji Village houses buildings from the Meiji area. After industrialisation of the modern Japan, a lot of the historical buildings were destroyed, so a Dr. Yoshiro Taniguchi with his childhood friend, Mr. Moto O Tshuchikawa established this Meiji Mura. They chose buildings that were going to be destroyed and reconstructed the buildings in Meiji Mura. This buildings include prison, school buildings, churches, various government buildings, former ambassador residences, railways, factories, hotel, etc. 

On 5th May, it was the Children's Day in Japan. So, Meiji Mura offered all those below 12 or 18 years old (forgot the detail) free entrance. So, we could see a lot of kids running around searching for answers trying to win the treasure hunt game, Meiji Adventures Team 明治探検隊. 
Meiji Adventures Team 明治探検隊
Below are the collages of different buildings in Meiji Mura. Most of its were western style buildings, not the Japanese traditional style. After a while, visual fatigue happened. Too many identical architecture styles, in my opinion only, hahaha! 
Meiji Mura 明治村
Meiji Mura 明治村
Meiji Mura 明治村
Meiji Mura 明治村
I chose those that are interesting and elaborating more. Hahaha!

1. Sapporo Telephone exchange bureau 
One could see the first generation of telephones displayed in a chronological order. It was so cute! Technology advances made the phone size getting smaller with more functions, however, people will change it every few years, some even less than one year, crazy for new models. Unlike old days, it will be in people possession for years. 
Sapporo Telephone exchange bureau 札幌電話交換局
2. The villa of Mataemon Shibakawa 芝川又右ま衛門邸
I like the wall with a lot of circles. It was very special.
The villa of Mataemon Shibakawa 芝川又右衛門邸
3. Forth National High School 第四高等学校
The alma mater of the founders of Meiji Mura. I wondered whether this buildings prompted them to save the old buildings.
"Musei Do" Gynasium for Martial Arts, Forth National High School 第四高等学校武術道場
on the left side is the Kendojo 剣道場, right side is Judojo柔道場 (just next to each other!)
chemistry and physics labs, Forth National High School
4. Shinagawa Light House 品川灯台
Opposite this light house, a buildings houses the light house lamps from various places. Imagined in the old days, without GPS system, the seafarers used only star to navigate. When storms brewed, the light house served as a life saver!
light house 灯台
5. Toilets from the Meiji Era
This was interesting, but I forgot which building exhibits this.
toilet bowls, face wash bowls from Meiji era
6. 100 Years of Three-Dimensional Photographs Museum
I think the photos were cute, we had to peek into a small hole to see the photos. 
three dimentional photos museum
7. Japan Red Cross Hospital Block 日本赤十字社中央病院病棟
There was a very beautiful wood carving on the entrance. It stored a lot of old medical supplies, the sick beds, etc. What impressed me the most was the nurses uniform. Although it was so many years back, I think it won't look outdated on today eyes.
Japan Red Cross Hospital 日本赤十字社中央病院病棟
8.  Shimbashi Factory of the Japan National Railways (The Machinery Hall) 
I liked this very much, seeing the old lathe machines, the cotton machineries that bring the industrial revolutions, train engines, etc. 
Machinery Hall 鉄道寮新橋工場・機械館
engines, machines from the Meiji Era

9. Uji Yamada Post Office 宇治山田郵便局
This is a actual functioning post office, you can send letters or postcards from here. They had a really special service, called Haatofuru letter はあとふるレター. The recipient will only receive the letter after 10 years the letter was sent. It was very interesting! I don't even know where will I be after 1 year, not to even mention 10 years. However, I think it was a very thoughtful service.

*update 5th March 2014 - a March 2011 tsunami victim sent a letter to her parents from here on 10 January 2014 and her letter reached her parents on 2014, three years after she left her parents.The unexpected arrival was a shock to her parents who were still in mourning. They’d had no idea about the letter, and they also hadn’t know about some of the feelings their daughter expressed in it. Her parents will keep on living knowing how much their daughter cared for them, and treasuring this memory of her that arrived three years after they lost her. (source: rocketnews24
Uji Yamada Post Office
receive the letter 10 years later  (very interesting!)
evolutions of the post box designs in Japan
interior of the post office
10. St. Francis Xavier's Cathedral 聖ザビエル天主堂
This church has many beautiful coloured glass windows. Nice!
St. Francis Xavier's Cathedral
beautiful glass windows
11. St. Paul Church 大明寺聖パウロ教会堂
This church was not as big as the cathedral, but it was kind of cosy.
St. Paul Church
12. Miniatures of the buildings around the world 
I liked this also. Very delicate. 
miniature of the buildings 世界のミニチュア建物
13. St. John Church 聖ヨハネ教会堂
This was the last place we visited. Just before 6pm. My camera's battery almost drained out. I took so many photos.
St. Paul Church
interior of the St. Paul Church
14. Others 
There were others which were quite interesting too!

inside Meiji Mura
We successfully finished tour all the attractions in Meiji Mura, Yes!

After that, we took bus to Inuyama Station and took trian to Nagoya Station 名古屋駅. First, we planned to have dinner at Yamachan 世界の山ちゃん, a restaurant famous for chicken wings 手羽先. However, the shops in Nagoya station and near the station were both fully seated. So, we just settled for takeaway and we had dinner at the Ramen shop. After dinner, we went to the bus station to board our night bus back to Kyushu. The end, finally! 

Click here for my Itinerary!

Day 1 : Hikone & Dinosour Museum & Ojima, Tojinbo & Eiheiji
Day 2 : Kanazawa
Day 3 : Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route
Day 4 : Kusatsu Onsen & Around Matsumoto City
Day 5 : Kamikochi
Day 6 : Kawaguchiko
Day 7 : Mt. Fuji & Around Shimizu Area
Day 8 : Hamamatsu Matsuri 1 & Hamamatsu Matsuri 2 & Meiji Mura

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