Friday 23 December 2011



  1. “现在的小男孩们,情义千斤,不敌胸脯四两!这就是一个喜新厌旧的物种,你丫寻死觅活的,对得起自己么?
  2. 买台电冰箱,保修期三年,你嫁了个人,还能保证他一辈子不出问题呀,出了问题就修嘛
  3. 你连人都没生过,有什么资格埋怨人生?
  4. 这些年下来,新衣服被洗得褪了色走了形,但好歹还在,而新恋情却被放进染缸,被生硬的一染再染,直到我再也认不出来。
  5. 是的,多年以前,我的矫情我的浪漫我的天时地利,到了今天,已经统统过期,更关键的是,当年陪在我身边的那个人,居然选择了中途退票离席。
  6. 我慌张得快要把持不住我自己了,想要撞墙,想摔东西,想要放声尖叫。我打开手机的通讯录,我想要和谁说说话,是个人就好,能回应就好。但长长的联系人名单上,却没有一个这样的人。这也是我忘情沉溺于恋爱时种下的恶果
  7. 尤瑟纳尔说过一句我一直觉得无比刻薄但又无比精准的话:世上最肮脏的,莫过于自尊心。 此刻我突然意识到,即便肮脏,余下的一生,我也需要这自尊心的如影相随
  8. 若有一日,他不再爱你,那么你这个人,楚楚可怜也是错,生气勃发也是错,你和他在一个地球上同呼吸共命运都是错,或许可以为他死?哈,那更是让他午夜梦回时破口大骂的一个错。 你看,美食,好酒,都不会因为你失恋了就停止供应,是,牙疼不能忍,但它也要不了你命。
  9. 我看看镜子里的自己,都不单单只是蓬头垢面,温和点形容,镜子里的人是个姿色不佳的吸毒妇女,全身上下,只剩下眼袋还算丰满。我彻底颓了,真是,变幻的人生避无可避,想掩耳盗铃都有人拿着相机围观你。
  10. 二百五的脑子加林黛玉的心就是你
  11. 虽然喷了高级古龙水,可还是带着一股天生的混蛋味
  12. 摆着一张鼠标垫脸给谁看呢


Friday 2 December 2011

Galactic North by Alastair Reynolds

This book has some trekkie feeling to it. The book cover was glittering, the colour changes from different angle of viewing, very futuristic like.

the cover from one angle
the cover from another angle
I did not bought this book, it was given to me by my brother. My guess was he was attracted by the cover and bought it. Well, who wouldn't anyway. It was a collection of short stories about future where different kind of human species exist together, Conjoiners, Demarchy, Ultra, etc.

"The Cook, The Rat and The Heretic" by Hugo Soskin

I bought this book from a big book fair in the travel section. The synopsis seems quite good. I finished reading this book in Japan. The first book I read in Japan. The plot was not bad, but quite difficult to read.
The Cook, The Rat and the Heretic
It's about a man and his wife's adventure in France in a travel van. Since the man, Hugo had spent a few years in Spain, the couple to decided to move to Spain in an old converted VW van. They decided to travel leisurely without a schedule, did some touristy things along the way. The story was about the time they spent in French. 

When Hugo was a kid, his father made films about the Rennes-le-Chateau and the hidden treasure of Priory of Sion. And he did not take a liking to that. However, when he was near the place, he took a detour to that place. After a series of hiatus, he and his wife ended up agreeing to work in a campsite near the Rennes-le-Chateau. At the campsite, they met with a lot of interesting people, some even thought that he had inside information about the hidden treasure and made life difficult for him. However, all well end's well. They made  through it and finally went to Spain as they planned earlier.