Sunday 16 August 2015

Special Biomedical Repair Cream

I had chin acne problem for so many years and I thought it is due to the hormonal issue because normally the acne would pop out near or after my period. So, I didn't try very hard to find something to apply and solve the acne. If it's due to hormone, any products would be useless, right?

Anyway, after my trip back from Taiwan, I had continuous chin acne problem for a long time, I think more than a month. I just applied my skin care products as usual, I didn't think too much actually, I was thinking it would subside eventually. Quite positive thinking! 

Then, when I went for a facial, the beautician at the beauty salon recommended a pimple cream (Special Biomedical Repair Cream) to me, she gave me a very small sample tube to try. Well, I tried it on my chin area and somehow, after a few days, my chin condition became better and better! And after using this cream, I didn't have acne for one month straight, even during the period time. 
Special Biomedical Repair Cream
I wasn't sure whether this cream is a miracle cream for me or after the one month long acne, the "peak acne" started to decline. Hahaha! When I went for another facial at the same beauty salon, I bought a tube from them. I started to incorporated this "Repair Cream" in my skin care regime, I used it on my chin and nose area only. After around three months without any pimples popping out on my face, I started to get lazy and I only applied this on the spot where I felt a pimple was "growing" inside that particular spot. So far so good. 

Well, if the beautician didn't give me a sample, I wouldn't buy this. When the beautician introduced me to this cream, she mentioned that it's a blend of Chinese medicine and some natural remedies, however, the name of the country printed on the box was France. Further more, it's difficult to find information for this "Repair Cream", the only two websites that have informations for this exact same cream were online shops with some testimonials. Both were not a prominent website. I used this "Special Repair Cream" before I had chance to research on this brand, so that's it, sometimes I should have faith on the beauticians' words.

According to the Reddit SkincareAddiction, acne prone skin should use products with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, alpha hydroxy acids, or tea tree oil. This Special Repair Cream does have Salicylic Acid and hyaluronic Acid in the ingredients, plus Avocado Oil, Jojoba seed oil, Grape seed extract, etc. I guessed the combinations really helped my face. 
Special Biomedical Repair Cream (introductions and ingredients list)
Nowadays, I didn't use this cream daily, I am afraid that it might dry up my skin, I just applied when I felt the pimples are going to come out. It did help to make the pimples to "disappear". One time, there's a pimple which didn't want to subside even I used this cream for few days straight, so I stopped to apply the cream and waited for it to pop out, it didn't want to pop out and remain on my nose for days until I went to facial and the beautician extract it out. She told me that applying this "repair cream" (she called it pimple cream) would help to turn the pimples into something like blackhead if I kept applying, I was sceptical, but she's the expert on skin care. 

Now, I still have half a tube left, I will see the condition of my face after I finish this to determine whether I want to buy this cream or not. After my skin condition improved a few months ago, I started to go for more moisturising products and I felt that my skin became smoother. The redness still haunts me though. I remembered that when I was in the Shiseido counter few years ago, the sales person tested my skin condition and told me that my skin was very dry and very oily. I think my skin oiliness was partly due to the skin dryness, it produced more oil to compensate, so if I started to use more hydrating products, it might improve the oiliness and then, my acne. I hope I don't have to repurchase this. 
Special Biomedical Repair Cream
I am not sure whether I will introduce this cream to my friends who have the same acne issues because I do not know whether it's the cream or my age that finally clear the acne. Anyway, it's always good to try. 

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