Friday 31 May 2013

A little thing called love (Thai Movie)

I watched this movie because it got high points in a movie review website (rating 8.2/10). I read the synopsis first and I thought, "Oh, another cheesy romance movie!". I am surprised that I actually enjoyed the movie, the innocent kind of love. Hahaha!
Movie poster for "a little thing called love" (taken from
The heroine of this movie is Nam, a simple kind-hearted secondary school girl who was secretly in love with Chon, her school mate. In order to go near to him and get him to notice her, Nam and her gang of friends did a lot of crazy things, like scrubbing the skin so hard in order to get fairer. One thing I don't like in this movie is the emphasis on the need to be fair skinned. It gives away the wrong message that one have to be fair skinned to be beautiful. Likewise, I don't like the fair & lovely cream advertisements too, that was a few years back, not sure what is the theme for their advertisement nowadays.

Back to the movie, Nam and her friends tried to join the school most popular Thai dance club, however, they were being denied. At the end, they joint the drama club, in charged by Teacher Inn (The English teacher of the school). Here, Nam had the chance to be near to to Chon, her crush. Chon helped her out by asking his friend to do the make up for Nam for the performances. Then, when I thought they would become a couple, Chon's friend, Top transferred to the school and attracted to Nam. So, a love triangular, well, not really a love triangular because Nam never really went out with both Chon and Top. Mmmm, some misunderstanding happened and none of them got together.

A positive aspect in this drama is how Nam tried her best to improve her grade so that she could go to U.S. to be with her father. At the end, Nam got good grades and her father sent her a ticket to U.S. Chon left a scrap book in front of her house, then only we knew that Chon had always like Nam. However, the timing is always not right. The scrap book included all the photos and little things of Nam, well, even before she got whiten up. So, Nam left for U.S. and Chon left the hometown to play for the national junior football team.

Fast forward to years later, Chon became a photographer and Nam became a fashion designer and they were reunited in a television show. I smiled looking at that. There is no over the top climax or very heart wrenching scene, but I love the simplicity of this kind of puppy love movie!

The highlight of this movie is the teacher Inn. I really like her character, she provides the laughing scenes in the movie with her over the top actions. One of my favourites is when Teacher Inn got a souvenir from her crush, she was so happy and tried to show off to other colleagues, however, she got shocked when she found out that her crush gave souvenirs to almost everyone. I laughed out loud when I saw that moment.☺

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