Friday 13 June 2014

I Like The Original Sweet, Full Fat Food Items

Nowadays, many health blogs and newspapers featured articles about the danger of sugar or on almost every food items. And a lot of people are starting to realise the need to consume less sugar or less. The food manufacturers were quick to address this issue, many came out with zero sugar or less sugar items. 

The zero sugar coke is in the market for a long time now, but I have never bought a zero sugar coke before because my interest in this so called healthier version of coke was killed off right after I had my first can of free zero sugar coke given during a promotional activity many years back. After I drank that, I felt like craving for more because to me, soft drink meant cold sweet fizzy drinks. Minus out the sweetness, it was like drinking a bland carbonated water only, I might as well as drink cold plain water. Save money and real healthy. I didn't buy soft drink much, but when I wanted to, I would buy the original sweet version coke. 

It's the same with zero alcohol beer, I don't really drink alcohol (by choice), but I feel there is no point to come out with zero alcohol beer. Well, maybe a child could legally drink the zero alcohol beer, but wouldn't it hooks the kid up with beer since young? It's like nurturing a future customer. 

Likewise for the zero fat yogurt, it's so difficult to find full fat yogurt in Malaysia, the supermarket shelves were stocked with low fat yogurts. So unbelievable. In Japan, it's very easy to get the non zero fat or non low fat version yogurt. I ate a lot of yogurt in Japan, often finished up a 450g tube in three days. Now, seeing all those low fat yogurt, I just stopped buying. 

One funny story about zero sugar coke, my mother bought a 1.5l zero sugar coke accidentally, since it was too troublesome to go back to the supermarket to change it, she decided just to drink it. However, she couldn't stand the blandness, so she actually cooked up a cup of syrup to add to the zero sugar coke to sweeten it.(・∀・). Ah, it's so nice to drink sweet cold cola!

Anyway, I believe in varieties and moderation, even something good will become toxic if eaten in exceedingly large quantity. Bon Appétit!

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