Monday 1 July 2024

Washing Machine Cleaning with Cosway PowerMax Wash Drum Cleaner

I didn't start to use washing machine until I was in my 20s. Prior to that, it was all hand washing. My mom had the theory that clothes washed using washing machine is not clean. However, I started to use washing machine in my rented place, it came with washing machine. And I can never go back to hand washing again. For two years, I never washed the washing machine. Until I moved to a house where I had 4 housemates. 

One night I wanted to do laundry and the washing machine drum is filled with disgusting black gooey water and I thought the incoming water supply got issue, so I opened up the hose to release all the waters, still the black gooey thingy not going away, I was alone that time, so I actually filled up water using bucket to clean it. So stupid of me! I was busy for around one hour and finally one of my housemates came back and he mentioned that he was actually doing the washing machine cleaning using washing machine tablet. That is the first time I knew that the washing machine can be so dirty. After that, I actually contribute my portion for the washing machine cleaning agent too!

Fast forward to few years later, I got my own house and bought my very first washing machine. Even my mom bought one for herself too, getting older helps to make the decision. After using the washing machine for quite a long time, I remembered washing machine needs cleaning too. So, i surveyed for the washing machine cleaner. There are a lot of cleaning agents out there. After some considerations, and someone mentioned to me that she likes Cosway product, I decided to buy this "Cosway PowerMax Wash Drum Cleaner". Another factor that helps to make the decision was there are lots of youtube video on this product.

Anyway, I used it on my Beko top load washing machine and my mom's Samsung top load washing machine. 

For my Beko, there's a function called "tub clean", so after power on the washing machine, i just pushed the button for "tub clean" and the water start gushing out. 

Beko Machine machine
After the water level reached around the top level, I paused the action and poured whole packet of the wash drum cleaner into the washing machine. 
PowerMax Wash Drum Cleaner
I washed in youtube, some even added hot boiled water to the washing machine. So, I boiled a kettle of water and poured all in too. Then I started back the process. 
cleaning on going
I did this at night, main reason was to let the water mixed with the drum cleaner to rest in the drum overnight. I paused again and went to bed.
after one night, the water quite clear though
The next day, I went to check on the washing machine, compared to the first time when I saw the black gooey dirty water in my rented house washing machine (shared by 5 people, to be fair), I think my washing machine is quite clean. I did see some small sendiments. Nothing serious though. Then I run back the machine to complete the tub cleaning cycle. 

Finally, my washing machine is cleaned. I took out the filter to check and there were some brown colour sendiments that stuck to the wire mesh. I used a brush to clean it and I feel the area is cleaner. 
sendiments on the filter

interior after cleaning
Well, I am not the kind of person that want her laundry smell wonderfully, but I do scare of moldy smell. Anyway, job done and pat myself on the back.

For my mom's Samsung, instead of pouring during the cleaning process. I did that even before the cleaning process started. And I don't remember why I did that.
drum cleaner in before cleaning cycle start
For this samsung, the function is called "Eco tub clean". I also did this at night to let it rest overnight.
Eco tub clean
After the drum is filled with water, I paused and went to bed. And continued the next day. Well, compared to my Beko, my mom's samsung has more sendiments after cleaned, but no way like the one I saw in my rented house. I guessed due to we are not using softerner. 
icky filter after washing machine cleaning

small sendiments
That's all from me, and I hope all learn a little thing or two from this. Mold is not fun, cleaning is important!

Sunday 24 December 2023

Short Trip to Hatyai

*just typing this out at the end of 2023. I had this trip on 2018 (guess, too long ago). The reason I did this was due to the fact that I was doing cabbage fermenting and I forgot the steps. So I read back my own blog for the steps, although I am not earning from this blog, it helps to preserve my memory. I checked back all the photos taken during the trip and it was fun. Getting older and I might forgetting more details. So, here it is. 

Although Thailand is next to Malaysia. It's not the first foreign country I visited. One reason was I didn't start to travel until I started work due to economy issue. And by the time I have some money to travel, a lot of my friends have visited Thailand, especially Hatyai. So, I didn't manage to find someone who is willing to travel with me to Thailand. And I have never travel with night train before, so I wanted to use night train to go to Hatyai, many were skeptical with this thought. But, finally two of my friends decided to accompany me for the night train trip. 

I was so excited and once the train ticket is available, I bought the tickets immediately (Kuala Lumpur --> Padang Besar). Well, after me and my friends boarded the train, I only realized that I bought the opposite direction seat. So, the train was moving backwards from our seat orientation. Ahh, reminder to all, please check the seat orientation before booking, or else it is not a pleasant experience. Another incident was, after we were seated, a guy came to me and said that it was his seat, I was like "cannot be, I triple checked the date and seat number!" I took out my ticket printout, check seat number, same; check day, same. Finally the month, that guy actually booked a month later on the same day. Ahh, it really made me anxious for nothing. 

On this long distance train, power plug is available. It is located between and under the seats. I did some research before I boarded so I knew that the power plug is available, it took me awhile to find the plug though. It is hidden inside a white cover. 
the all important power socket

Well, the thought of night train is romantic at first. However, me and my friends had trouble sleeping, it was so cold and bright. And I didn't know that it was  not a express train, it stopped at so many stations. My fault for didn't check that fact first. However, in 2023, I think I read somewhere that KTM is having a special night train to southern Thailand. The night train I took was years ago. 

Anyway, we reached Padang Besar really early and we took a "private taxi" to the border for immigration check and then into Hatyai. When we reached our hotel, it was still too early (maybe before 8am), but all of us were so tired and sleepy and we asked the receptionist whether we could check in early to sleep and of course the answer is no. Our initial itinerary was to go eat breakfast at a famous breakfast stall, we couldn't stand the sleepiness, so we just slept on the sofas in the lobby area. I guessed due to this, the receptionist woke us up and told us to just check in. We checked in and slept until almost 10 to 11am, then only we went out for the breakfast.  I think we had Bak Kut Teh, well not bad but not so special for me. 

I don't remember must for the rest of the trip, I just remembered that my friends bought so many kid's clothes from the stalls, we visited stalls after stalls. Especially the Frozen themed dresses, sandals, etc for their daughter and nieces. I am still not a fan of that kind of dress. For the boy's clothes, normal with characters from transformer, dinosaurs, etc. Apart from kids' clothing, shoes, we also shopped for dried longan (I regretted this, it is space consuming and heavy and the price is not really that expensive in Malaysia), a packet of pickled vegetable which was sweet (recommended by a few aunties that we were on the same train with, my mother couldn't accept this, our usual flavour was salty), a very expensive and small dried sea cucumber packet (this my mom said still ok, good buy). And we went to the Tesco in Hatyai, we bought Thai instant noodle, seaweed junk food, dried fruits, Pocky, etc. All these are not that difficult to get in Malaysia nowadays, even if we can't get it in physical stores, we can get it easily online. 

I only remembered we went to various Pasar Malam and Pasar Pagi. And in most of the markets, we were pretty sure that most of the visitors there were Malaysians, we went on a school holiday. We only visited 2 tourist attractions I think. Too long ago. We went to a temple with big Guanyin statue and a temple with sleeping buddha. Ah, we also went to the river site market. I looked back at my photos, most of the times we were there, it was raining. However, it was still a fun trip because I was with my friends, I don't really get the appeal of traveling alone, yes, you could make new friends when you are alone, but it will be very awkward if you meet with someone not aligned with your religious or political views, unless what you discussed was something like food or travels? Food is dangerous topic too, Malaysians are too defending when food is involved. 

Taking about food, I had a very delicious roasted pork when I was in Hatyai, no wonder my relatives brought roasted pork all the way from Hatyai. The Thai dishes generally are ok for me. I went to Tianjin for work trip on June this year, I can only say Asean foods are more suitable to my palate. 

Transportation wise, I think tuk-tuk is so over rated. It's not covered, so you have to endure the emissions from the vehicles on the road, and they charged as they like. I think it's better to take Grab. I went to Hatyai a year after that bringing my mother, and I took Grab, it is reasonable priced, the drivers we met were more polite, the road trip became more pleasant. 

I missed traveling with friends, but with job commitments and my friends' family and job commitments, it will be a long long time before I travel with friends again. And a year after this trip, I brought my mom to Hatyai using flight of course, no more night train, and somehow she was not enjoying the trip. I guessed it is due to my bad planning. Anyway, I made a decision, if I am going to bring my family members for trip again, it will be with tour companies. No more DIY!

Saturday 16 January 2021

Easy Kimchi

Finally, I made my first kimchi after procrastinating for a long time.

The main reason I wanted to make kimchi is I wanted a vegetable that could be stored longer than fresh vegetable and I hoped that it is not that expensive. (*a 300g kimchi is around RM13.50 in Tesco). I bought bottles of fermented tofu , pickled lettuce, frozen peas, kimchi and I added it into the instant noodle because I figured I needed some fibers and other nutrients. Anyway, I didn't go home due to the RMCO and watched a lot of youtube videos during the weekend, I watched more than 10 videos on how to make kimchi. However, I felt that the steps were too much for me and I didn't have equipment and tools at my rented house, I only have pots to cook instant noodle. I didn't want to spend money on something that I might only use once. 

Then, I started to read recipes online for kimchi, I searched for 'easy kimchi', and tonnes of recipe came  out. Almost every recipes requested for the ingredients to be blended. I almost wanted to go buy a blender then. But, I managed to control myself. I was thinking that I will do it once I got the chance to go back home. Then, I read on the ingredients to make kimchi, the most difficult ingredient to get is the gochugaru (hot pepper flakes), I couldn't find it in Tesco and I don't think I could get it in my hometown. Actually, with shopee and lazada around, we can buy it online, but I just couldn't justify the cost for gochugaru, the main reason is to save money, if I have to spend more on the gochugaru, I might as well just buy the kimchi, easy and no need all the works. So, I read more on other options and even join a facebook group 'fermenting for beginners' to learn more. Hahaha. 

A blogger mentioned that she used paprika because she couldn't get gochugaru in her place, so I tried to search for it in supermarket, I found one and I felt that it is so expensive, a small bottle of 45g paprika cost around RM4 to RM5. Then, I walked the spices and condiments section and saw our Malaysian favourite, Baba's Chilli Powder, a 125g packet is only RM2++, less than RM3 per packet. So, I tried to search whether anyone uses this to make kimchi, paprika is chili powder and someone managed to make kimchi with it, I think Baba's will work. 

Dang dang dang! 2 results came out. Both of them mentioned that they used the exact same Baba's Chilli Powder.

So, I decided to use this cheap and affordable Baba's. Anyway, I didn't follow exactly the recipes because I am stingy.

One fine morning on the first day of 2021, I was back at home and it's a public holiday. And after reading and watching so many kimchi related stuffs, I really had the oomph to make this kimchi. So, I walked to a nearby supermarket and bought half a head of Napa cabbage (before this, I didn't even know this vegetable is a type of cabbage!), a carrot, a packet of Baba's chilli powder, a packet of table salt (I know many called for kosher salt or any other salt that does not contain iodine but table salt is so cheap) and I couldn't bring myself to buy the green onions because it was so expensive, a packet of green onions (not sure how many stalks within a packet though) is RM8++. Anyway, I decided to skip green onions, not worth it. I didn't buy radish because I didn't see it. 

Anyway, all the steps could be found online. So, I am not going to go details on that. When I bought the vegetables home and told my mom I wanted to make kimchi, she was like,"there's no vinegar at home, how to make kimchi?" She was doubtful when I said there's no need for vinegar for kimchi because this is a fermentation process, not pickle. Anyway, I started my kimchi making. First, I cut the Napa cabbage into small pieces and rubbing salt into it to draw the water out, I want to be alive after eating my own kimchi, so I put so many teaspoons of salt on it, at least the salt can kill off some bad germ maybe? I have no kitchen scale, so all ingredients were added according to my feelings. 

After few hours, visible liquid could be seen underneath the colander, so I washed the cabbage as per recipe instruction. I don't understand why we need to wash away the salt, isn't that salt can make anything and everything more tasty? And another question is why we don't need to draw out the water for carrot too? Why only cabbage? Anyway, follow instruction first. After I washed away the salt, I cut the carrot, I know every other people cut into thin match size, but actually by that time, my interest wore off a bit already, so the carrot is cut into a not so small portion. You all can see from the photo, the carrot size is big, hahaha!
Then, blending time. Normally people uses ginger, garlic, onion, fish sauce and apple or pear. However, only garlic is available at home that time and I didn't want to waste an apple for this experiment. Fish sauce is substituted with soy sauce because my family don't consume fish sauce, for us, it tasted weird. So, I only blended garlic, brown sugar and soy sauce until I could't see the chunk of garlic. I poured this into a big bowl and added the chili powder. I think I added until half a packet of that chili powder. So when I mix the mixture with the napa cabbage and carrot with my hand, all I could smell was the chili powder. I was worried that it might be too spicy later. After mixing everything, I put it into a pyrex glass container that I got as a free gift when I went servicing my car at the Perodua service centre. Then, I put the container in a shady corner. The next day, bubbles could be seen forming inside the container, it means that it started to ferment. After 2 days, I transfered it into the refrigerator. 

Normally, all the recipes ended here. No many people mentioned what to do next. Luckily, I joined the facebook group on fermenting. Someone mentioned that the kimchi she made cause such a mess (burst out) because she didn't release the gas (CO2) occasionally and finally when she wanted to eat and opened the jar, the gas popped out and the kimchi liquid messed up her place. I was at my rented place that time and it have been few days after I started the kimchi. I quickly call my mom to release gas. Hahaha, luckily my mom said she just heard a popping sound, the liquid didn't burst out. 

Anyway, now after 2 weeks of fermenting, albeit slower in the refrigerator, I had my first DIY kimchi. It's a bit sour, not so spicy although I added so many chili powder. And I didn't have stomach ache and still alive, thank God! Next time, maybe will try pickle vegetable!

Saturday 17 October 2020

Thien Huong Food (Fish flavour instant porridge & Chicken flavour instant porridge)

Anyone of you remember the MCO (Movement control order) that started in March 18 2020? Well, I still remembered it vividly, after some rumours that the prime minister would announce lock down, almost everyone in my office were talking about stocking up on food items, I even overheard my big boss talking about buying meat and fish (so not fit with his image!), initially I was not fazed by that because I planned to go back to hometown and there's two grocery stores behind my house and 3 small supermarket within the radius of 1km. However, people kept talking about this, and during that time, Philippines already started lock down and the images of empty shelves filled the FB walls. My brother was in Philippines that time and he showed us the photos of the long queue in supermarket, anyway, finally I caved in after friends posted the crowd in supermarket and right after work, I went to the nearest 99 Speedmart to buy some food items. Another reason was there were rumours (again) that we might have to work during MCO. 

To my horror, even the normally quiet 99 Speedmart was full with customers queueing up. Well, queue is normal, but normally people only have 1 or 2 items on their hands. During that time, even the trolleys were used up. Well, normally not many people use trolley when buying in Speedmart. It's more like a grab and go store. Seeing this, I also fell into the panic buying frenzy. My target was dry food items, like instant noodles, oats and biscuits. 

However, my normal staples of instant noodle brands were out of stock. How can Maggi Mee be out of stock! Horror! Well, not just Maggi, even the normal sized Mee Sedaap and Indomie was nowhere to be seen. Finally, I bought the Jumbo sized Mee Sedaap! Portion too big though. Well, I felt that it's not enough, so finally I bought the instant porridge that I wouldn't touch normally. I have seen it on the shelves in 99 Speedmart for a long time, however, I didn't even have slight interest on it previously. But the empty racks caused me to think otherwise, I bought 2. I mentally calculated that all the food that I bought would be enough for 2 weeks. 

Anyway, on the day before the MCO started, up until 4.30pm, there's no news whether we were allowed to continue operation or not. So, I decided to go back home, during that time, I didn't know that to cross state, had to go police station to get permit. Anyway, after work, I drove home, actually it's just a 70km distance. After I reached home, boss sent messages asking all of us to come to work on alternate days, me and my teammates discussed and I decided to work on the next week. But before I had the chance to back to work, government imposed more rules, and my company is not allowed to operate. After it was allowed to operate, to make sure there's a social distancing and crowd control, only skeletal crews were allowed. So, I work from home for couple of weeks. It was difficult, my job nature requires me to be in front of the machine 50 to 60% of the time, and actually I just started work for less than 2 months then. Sitting in front of the computer from 8am to 5pm was a struggle for me. But I managed to finish all the compulsory online training classes that I couldn't find time to do during the normal working days. And I now remember that I still have more trainings that I haven't do after I back to work!

Well the instant porridge that I bought was left in the rack for a long time until recently. I worked late and have no energy to cook anything. For me, anything that involves pot and heat is considered cooking. So, I turned my eyes to the instant porridge. 

Thien Huong Chicken flavour instant porridge

I ate the chicken flavour instant porridge first. The grain and the flavouring were packed into a small plastic bag. I felt that the porridge is made of oat, not really sure, but it doesn't taste like rice. In my mind, I thought that porridge is made of rice, now only I knew that it could be made of any grains. Anyway, I couldn't taste even a hint of chicken, the whole bowl only has the smell of pepper. 

the grain before add hot water
Below is the appearance of the instant porridge after adding hot water for 5 minutes. The portion is not big, suitable for supper though.

Another late night work, and I ate the fish flavour instant porridge.
Thien Huong Fish flavour instant porridge

Well, from my memory, it tasted like the chicken flavour instant porridge with a hit of fishy smell. Hahaha!

Appearances after add hot water for 5 minutes (Thien Huong fish flavour instant porridge)

Conclusion, instant noodle and instant porridge are a different breed. Or maybe it's from Vietnam and I am not used to the taste and texture. I think if I am gonna to buy instant porridge in the future, I would check reviews first. In the mean time, I would stick with instant noodles, instant bihun, instant mee sua, instant ramen, instant udon, etc. There are so many flavours out there, by the way, I had Mee Sedaap Korean spicy soup lately, and it's very good!

Thursday 6 August 2020

Empties August 2020

2020 is a very different year for me. Number one is I changed job after 11 years working in the same company, although I am still working in the same field. Number 2 is I moved from my parents' house because the new job is located at another state. A big changes for me.

The most obvious differences is no more prepared breakfast and dinner. Have to settle myself. In order to sleep enough and avoid waking up earlier, I actually trimmed down a lot on my skin care time. Previously, if good mood, I would apply toner, moisturizer, day cream and sun block, layer by layer, slowly because I knew that breakfast is prepared and what I needed to do was eat it. Nowadays, just toner and moisturizer and I am good to go. For night time skin care, normally also toner and moisturizer, if not so sleepy, will add night cream. I salute all those busy people that still manage to take good care of their skin, suddenly I remembered an old roommate that would wake up early to put on makeup if she slept too late the night before, I am totally opposite, I would never wake up early and would stay on the bed until the last minute. Hahaha!
Anyway, the photo above was taken on early August, I only finished few items only. Simplify the routine due to laziness also helps to save money. Planning to pay more home loan to help lessen the interest, my heart hurts when I see the interest rate.

Two body lotion finished. The already repurchased body lotion is the Nivea body lotion, I tried the "Rose & Argan Oil" of the Oil in lotion series, it is more good smelling than the blue bottle Nivea body lotion. Effectiveness wise, I think is the same. The second one is Asianic Rice Milk Hand & Body Lotion, well, I think it is too smelly because I don't really like the scent. It is too big to be used as hand cream as well (I normally keep one in office), I don't feel comfortable bringing a huge tube of non essential personal item to office. So, I actually took forever to finish this, actually it expired on early 2020.

For the toner, I think I will not repurchase the Chriszen Aloe & Rice Milk Facial Toner. It is far more viscous than I thought and it has a weird smell (For me la), actually I haven't finish it yet, but going to finish it soon. So, added this to the list. For the Simple Soothing Facial Toner (100% Alcohol Free), I think it's not bad. But how not bad don't know how to explain. It is quite affordable too, I think less than RM20 per bottle.

Next, Cosmoderm Vitamin E Cream 1000 I.U., I think it's my second tube. I normally use it on my neck area or as hand cream. It's quite oily in my opinion. The Naruko Rose & Aqua-in Super Hydrating moisturizer is a repurchase, my trusted moisturizer. Already finished bottles of this. Finally, the Mamonde Calming Hydro Sleeping Mask, well, it's just ok, I think it is too light and not moisturizing enough, using this didn't have any effect on my face. Maybe there are effects, but it is minuscule to be taken account. So, I think it is overly expensive for a mask like this. Not going to repurchase, I used it to finish it only!

Now I am waiting for big discount from Watsons to buy the next bottle of Naruko Moisturizer before I finished up another bottle. Hahaha. The end.